Should I try to lose weight

I recently got my bfp and haven't been to the doctor yet. I'm paranoid about having issues because technically my bmi is over 30, which is considered obese. I'm 5'5" and 205lbs, sometimes fluctuating to 210. I wear a size XL top and size 16 bottoms. When I had my physical a few months ago my doctor didn't say anything about my weight, blood tests came back with everything in normal range, etc. And she knew I was TTC. Am I worried over nothing? I'm wondering if I should try to lose 10lbs or so in the next couple of months while I'm still in the first trimester. My plan would be to count calories with MyFitnessPal, but not restrict myself from fruits and veggies if hungry. During 2019 I lost about 20lbs doing this and kept most of it off. Is it safe to try to lose some weight during the first trimester?