Just need to vent a little..

So I had my sweet son 2 weeks and 3 days ago, he is my first baby and my rainbow after a miscarriage. I’m almost 21, so I’m pretty young, but have been with my fiancé for 5 years and he is such a great father.

I absolutely love being a Mom and I love my son, but I’ve really been struggling since we came home. Between just being exhausted and everything with corona virus we’ve only been out twice and that was for his doctors appointments. I feel like my life is just on repeat day in and day out and I’m going crazy. He has been cluster feeding and my nipples feel like they’re going to fall off. Sometimes he can be a great sleeper and go for 2.5 hour stretches but other times it’s 20-40 minutes and he’s up again. I don’t feel like I know who I am anymore, I feel like a walking boob and diaper changing machine. It’s so hard. My fiancé works and I feel so alone most of the time. I also feel horrible that I’m sad and down sometimes because he’s such a blessing and I’m so lucky to even have him, I shouldn’t be feeling negative about anything 😪 I’m just really struggling and needed to vent somewhere.