Boy problems


So there’s this guy that for so long. So I started liking him the first year I meet him. I pretended I didn’t bc I didn’t want to. So it’s been 4 years and I still like him. Well last school year we started dating and we dated from like the end of the school year and then broke up at the beginning of the next school year bc I kinda got awkward and all that (he had asked if he could kiss me and I didn’t know what to do because I was a little scared.

Anyways so it’s the same school year and I’ve hinted multiple times that I like him and one time one of my friends told him and he thought they were lying so he said that he liked me too and ended up telling me 2 weeks later that he was just joking. I was like seriously heartbroken. So I still like him and I’ve been texting him recently and all that. The problem is that I think I love him, but he’s dating someone and I hate liking people who are dating someone else bc I don’t want to ruin their relationship. So I’m pretty much screwed. Ughh I’m kinda done liking people.

P.s I’m sorry that it’s so long I just needed to rant.