Advice needed. Contractions at 32+4 with twins.


So my contractions started when I was 32+4. I am now 33+4. They are to the point I can hardly sleep for an extended period of time. I can’t barely breathe and they wake me up. I was admitted into the hospital and put on a magnesium drip to stop labor at 32+5 for 4 days. They told me they couldn’t do much else and sent me home basically saying that Mother Nature is going to do what she wants at this point. I am only dilated to a 1 so they aren’t super concerned that I’m in full active labor but man these contractions will stop you in your tracks. My legs/feet and hands are so swollen I feel like I can hardly move. My entire pregnancy with these twins has been a breeze until now. I have been more uncomfortable in the last 3-4 days than I have my entire pregnancy. What would you do? I am to the point where I just want to schedule my c-section. (I have to have one anyways because of medical reasons but it wasn’t scheduled until April 17th). I want to tell them being in labor for over a week isn’t fair. Would you try and push the issue or would you just keep going and basically deal with the pain and contractions?