
Please share your motivation tips!

Currently 7 weeks pp with baby three. I've only lost 3 pounds since leaving the hospital, and still have 19 more to go. I'd like to lose most of it by mid-June... Gotta be a 🔥 bridesmaid.

Ebf babe. Drinking at least a gallon of water a day.

Limiting the gym, due to outbreak. But was 🏃 1-2 miles 3 days a week, adding in small weight sessions, too.

Healthy eater. Love all things healthy. Totally give in to my kids' snacks, though. And sweets are a killer.

I will eat super clean and workout and can see a difference sometimes, just not in the scale. Then I get discouraged and overeat... Sometimes overeat healthy things!

And then feel bad about it and hate myself.
