Not enough time in my days..

I got accidentally pregnant while I was q full time college student. I have the equivalent of two school years left If I continued taking as many classes at a time as I am now. I didn't work my parents supported me bc they thought school was important and wanted me to give all my time to it and knock it out. Now they have cut me off, bc I am an "adult" If I am having a baby etc. I married my boyfriend who got me pregnant and now that I'm too huge to work he takes care of all expenses for the most part and that has been extremely helpful. Given how young we are though, he simply doesn't make enough to do that forever. Everyone keeps telling me how important school is and how I have to continue and finish school and I agree, but how can one take care of a baby, take care of herself, go to school full time and work atleast close to full time. That's three fulltime jobs essentially, not possible. I keep trying to find a solution to an unsolvable problem, now feeling defeated I am thinking I have no choice but to work, take a couple classes which even that will be hard, and take care of my baby not having as much time as I'd like with him. Feel like I'm being forced to half ass at everything in my life. Anyone have suggestions, or been through something like this...

(Background: I'm in my third trimester now, still pregnant and taking classes still.)