Please read this!

Hi ladies, I’ve been struggling with infertility and 2 miscarriages for the past five years. I’ve been torn over the years but never like this. My husband and I decided that the only way to have a child is to go with an egg donor. He was very cool with the idea and we went ahead with the process. He took part in some appointments with me and he even wanted to contribute and helped with the financial part but he was also cool when I said that I will take care of it. Few months passed to go through the process and about a month ago I started my medication. During these few months, very few times he asked me how I’m doing, how is the process going. Doesn’t even care what medication I’m taking, how it’s making me feel. I asked him few times, if he has changed his mind and if he is still ok with going through this decision and he says yes he is ok and he hasn’t changed his mind. Some days he treats me like I’m some useless woman and doesn’t even talk to me. He just finds something so he can blame me or pick on me. This has been a very difficult decision for me and I want his emotional support like never before but it seems like he is just not there. I expressed to him few times and he verbalized that he is there for me but then a day later it’s the same thing. A lot of times, i hide my emotions and that’s just the way I’m. One day we were arguing and he said to me go ahead and cancel everything meaning the egg donor process. How could I cancel when I’m half way through the process. I don’t think he even understands what I’m going through. I’m in tears writing this. I don’t know what to do at this point. I’m sorry for writing this long post. I needed to vent out. I’m all alone in this world 😢