I hate allergies!!!

Alicia • 22• Michigan

A while ago I used to have a Guinea pig. I cleaned her cage enough to where she didn’t make my allergies horrible but she’d make me itchy, I’d sneeze, and I’d have some hives, runny nose and eyes too. She died soon after I got my dog.

Every time I see someone’s got a guinea pig I want one. I held my moms friends guinea pig like a year ago and I was told after that they don’t clean the cage often. Well.. my neck broke out in hives and my eyes started to swell and my throat could’ve closed.

I want one again one day but I’d have to clean the cage like crazy and probably bathe it a lot too. I never bathed my guinea pig I was super young and didn’t really know how. Would taking allergy pills/ nasal spray help with my allergies towards them? I know that since my moms friends cage wasn’t clean he had more stuff on him that made me itchy.