Help please!! I appreciate it so much

Partner and I had protected sex. But halfway through he pulled the condom off and fixed it because it was sliding off and then he put it back on. He pulled out when he came (sorry if that’s TMI). Would I be alright this cycle period wise? He checked the condom and no air leaked out when he blew into it (weird I know but). I took 2 88 cent pregnancy tests (the ones from walmart everyone uses) 2 days ago and i got 2 negatives. My period was due today and It didn’t come. I have sore boobs (which is my normal pms symptoms) some cramps, and some lower back pain. Do you guys think I’m okay this cycle? I have been losing weight (12 pounds down 🥳) and I have had some gastric issues and well as urinary issues (frequent ruination and after i urinate i have pressure on my bladder that makes me feel like i have to pee right after i get done. and some kidney pain i think) Please give me any tips or advice you have! Thank you so so much!