is it wrong if my bf keeps his ex’s nudes?

i’m my bf’s second serious gf. he and his first gf dated for about a year and when me and him started dating about 6months after their breakup she went pretty mental and horrible and caused all kinds of sh*t for the both of us.

my bf got a new phone and the way he has his photovault set up he had to transfer everything in it back to his camera roll, then to the new phone, then in to photovault again. he was giving the phone to somebody else after so obviously was in the process of deleting these pics after he’d moved them.

since i have more self confidence now than i did earlier in our relationship, i wanted to have a peak at the old nudes i used to send him compared to my new ones. he knew i was doing this and fully allowed me

however when i went into his deleted i found more nudes of his ex than of me, including videos of her masturbating etc. i kind of understand why he would keep those videos as i’m still not ballsy enough to send anything like that but i still feel some way abt the fact that he has actively kept them (as opposed to never being bothered to delete). we have been dating for nearly a year and a half at this point

i have not brought this up with him because i’m worried that i’m being irrational / jealous / etc

am i justified in not being comfortable with that?

edit:: i can’t go on and delete them myself bc i don’t know his photovault password :(

am planning on confronting him about it tho, thank y’all for ur help :)