The SuperCook app 😍


So with this stupid virus going around, I realize that a lot of stores are being wiped clean. Its making it so hard for me even find bread and milk now 😒

WELL, I found this app "SuperCook" not to long ago. I already struggle with trying to figure out what to make for dinners on the weeknights, but this makes it so easy! If any of you ladies are needing to stretch your food supply, try it out 😉

All you have to do is either speak or type in ALL the food items in your fridge and pantry and hit enter. It will give you hundreds of recipes with just the bare minimum. It has just about every diet in mind, except keto I believe. But I know it has Vegan, vegetarian, gluten free and dairy free options.

I hope this helps at least a few people with all this bs going on 💚