Testing— negative after over a week of missed period?

So I’ve been feeling very “off” lately. Tired, nauseous, random runny nose, back pain, hungry allll the time, lots of peeing... I didnt think I was pregnant (denial... I’ve kinda given up on the idea of getting prego right now), so I wasn’t making up the symptoms in my head. I just ignored them after the initial “omg do I have the coronavirus” moment (lol).

I read about them being symptoms after my mom suggested I test with blood on a urine test. She’s a nurse and I’ve heard from a few different people in the medical field that you can try testing with whole blood instead of urine. I know it’s super controversial, but I watched so many YouTube vids and asked around many times and it seems to be at least semi accurate. So here’s the timeline:

9th-13th: missed period

14th: tested with urine, 1 day after my missed period should have ended

17th: tested both blood and urine. Urine came out negative, blood came out positive

18th: blood positive, urine negative

I still haven’t gotten my period. I ordered some 10 miu tests to see if my levels are just too low to register in my urine yet. I read the comments of a lot of ladies who didn’t get positive tests until month 2 or 3 of pregnancy... I’m wondering how common that is? And when should I start worrying about my period being MIA?

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