I just need to rant real quick.


I'm young. And I know most adults believe that kids cant feel love, and we dont know what love is. And I'm not saying I felt love with this guy. But it hurts to know he picked another woman over me. It hurts to know that I put forth so much time and effort just to be slapped in the face. And 2 years, for what? Nothing? Honestly I dont even know anymore. I'm 14. And my parents say that I just liked having him around. Yes, I enjoyed having him over all the time, but it was more than that. All the goodmorning and goodnight texts, the random gifts, the sporadic I love you's. The talking about our futures and what we want to be when we get older. The late night facetimes. I know I have plenty of relationships ahead. But I really thought this one would stick. Sorry I've been keeping that in for a couple weeks now...thanks for listening. Here's a pic of me btw 😁