Advice/Suggestions for TTC and breastfeeding

I have been ttc for about 6 months now. However, this is my first time breastfeeding so I am new to ttc and breastfeed. I haven’t had a period even though my son is 12 1/2 months old. I’ve used ovulation strips for probably 4 months now and last month I got my first actual positive or almost positive(GLOW said it was positive but another app said it was almost but not) and we had sex lots around that time but nothing :( . My doctor won’t see me to offer other options to help me until I stopped breastfeeding because last time I called when my son was about 8 months old, he said that is probably why I’m not having a period. However I’m not really ready and neither is my son to give up on this experience. Does anyone have any encouragement to offer or that they were able to continue breastfeeding and conceive, or does anyone know of things I can do to help conceive that is safe while breastfeeding? I know it may not be possible since I haven’t had a period I’m just praying there is a way. Since this is my first baby I’ve got to breastfeed I’ve never really not had a period this long so I don’t know when it will come back. I hope this all makes sense and any advice is so greatly appreciated I would love to add another munchkin to our family... 🥰😭