
I live in North Carolina, and I am a SAHM. My husband works in a restaurant that had to be closed down because of everything that’s going on. Before this we lived paycheck to paycheck and had decided it was better that I stayed home with our daughters, one of which is exclusively breastfed, because childcare for them would be too expensive. My husband came here illegally from Mexico because he couldn’t afford to come legally but we now have an application for his visa but he hasn’t received one yet. We were told, before all this happened, that it would probably be at least another 2 year wait. Idk if this will make it take even longer. Since we have to wait for his visa we can’t receive any government assistance or he will be rejected and he can’t file for unemployment because he doesn’t have a social security number. I’ve been so stressed about how we are going to afford to pay our bills with no income and not being able to ask for any assistance. I try not to show it because I know it’ll make my husband feel guilty for not being able to provide for us but I just needed to vent and I don’t have any friends to talk to and my family just tells me to calm down.