Help! Post miscarriage cramping?


I had a complete miscarriage on 3/6 and started having minor cramping on the right side today, 2 weeks later; I had an ultrasound done this past Tuesday to confirm that it was a complete miscarriage and they stated I still had a little bit of clotting left in my uterus but not much. My question is will I get cramps when my body is trying to pass the clots? The one I passed tonight was very small and mud brown in color; I don’t feel like I should be cramping only on one side for that small of a clot. Could this possibly be ovulation, it is two weeks later? I get my hcg results today and I’m going to assume they are negative as my gestational sac stopped growing at 6 weeks, three weeks ago. I know you “can’t tell me what my body is doing so I should take an ovulation test” but I’m just asking if anyone else experienced cramping two weeks after a miscarriage and only on one side? We’re TTC again so it would be nice to be ovulating right now 😁🤞🏼❤️