Is anyone planning on wearing a mask at the hospital


I have an N95 and a P100 that I plan on wearing into the hospital at least until I get to my room where I plan on Lysoling and cleaning everything. If everyone who comes into my room wears a mask I’ll probably take mine off. I’m going to feel like a huge idiot but my number 1 goal is doing everything I can to make sure me and my baby don’t pick up this virus while there.

Is anyone else planning on being insane like this?

Hey guys- this is a post about my own curiosity about who will be doing the same as me- not about there being a mask shortage, or whether or not a properly fitted mask offers any type of protection or not, or whether or not people think I should or shouldn’t wear a mask

Come on people. Everyone is going through enough. If you can’t relevantly respond to posts on this app it’s not going to benefit anyone