I’m 12 weeks pregnant and fell down the stairs last night

I was carrying items in both of my hands down the stairs last night, and my foot slipped out from under me - causing me to fall down the top of the staircase to the bottom without holding the railing. I hit my neck then my back and butt and hit almost every step on the way down.

Needless to say, I cried ALL night because I feel incredibly irresponsible for choosing to go down the stairs that way, and I feel like I caused harm to my little one. I called the after-hours nurse at my gyno and she told me to come in this AM to get checked- though she is sure the baby is fine.

I have not had any bleeding, but I felt a strange pressure in my lower abdomen and cervix area for most of the night. Of course I have a headache too from hitting my neck, which already has 3 herniations. It goes without saying, but please be careful going down the stairs ladies!! Always hold the railing - you can never be too careful, and never know when a small incident like this can completely ruin your peace of mind.

Really hoping baby is doing ok, will be finding out later today 😪