Mil took baby shower gifts

I just want to know if I’m justified in how upset this made me. My mother threw me a baby shower last Saturday. We currently rent off my mil as we finish renovating the house we are going to move into. It’s a townhouse that you can basically go into the other side just through a staircase. We lived here for years and it never bothered us that they could access our half of the home because they never did they always knocked on our front door or asked if the could come over before they did. Well my mil has been extremely overbearing ever since I became pregnant. Trying to take over, go to all my appointments, making her own baby registry, trying to convince me to let her take him to the beach a month after he is born, making a nursery on her side of the house even though we said no he will be sleeping with us on our side not yours (IF we are still staying there, I want to be moved before he is here) The list goes on. Well the night we returned from my shower. As I helped bring stuff in apparently she and my fil took our baby’s things to their side and placed them in a room that they had painted for a nursery. Again after we said NO. I take full responsibility for not saying anything the moment I noticed it happening but I’ve always be non confrontational and I also had friends over so I didn’t want to start a blowout fight in front of them. I decided after we went grocery shopping the next morning we could go and grab my baby’s things back. I hadn’t even got to look at them since you really don’t get much a chance to at the shower. Well when we go to get our stuff I see she has unpacked things and hung up his clothes. She went though our gifts without asking and without us there. On top of that she told my husband we were shitty to them because I wanted MY baby’s things. So I’m extremely upset and at this point annoyed. We planned to be in our new house before he was born but now I just want to be there now even if it isn’t finished. Sorry for the long rant guys. And I’m just being hormonal? 😭