Very active baby


I had my anatomy scan on Tuesday and our little guy was all over the place. She had troubles getting his heart beat cuz he wouldn’t sit still. After my scan I saw my doctor who did another small scan for them and I got 3D pics which I was excited. But he also had problems getting the heart beat cuz he wouldn’t sit still 😆 my doctor said I’m in for it when he gets bigger and asked if I felt him move and I said all the time! Even my husband has felt him which my doctor was shocked. He also said he has some chunky cheeks already for being 20 weeks 😳 I’m scared of having a big baby lol.

Anyway during the 3D our guy was hiding his face and then all of a sudden he jerked his head up like he was looking at us like really? Again?! Already has an attitude. My doctor was laughing through the whole thing and said I will have fun with this one.

It was hard to get good detail on his face cuz he was moving to fast.