I think I was raped?

So a mate of mine (S) has been trying to shag me for ages but complicated cause I’ve gotten with his mate who wanted to date me and S has shagged a mate of mine who caught feelings for him.

He’s spent the night at mine before nothing happened tho, we’ve gotten off like twice.

So he came over after a night out when I was really very drunk. And we were lying next to each other then he keeps trying to kiss me and I keep turning my head say ‘no this isn’t a good idea we can’t do this cause of her and him’

And he keeps trying to take my knickers off and I keep pulling them back up. Then he’s on top of me and he moves my knickers to the side and inserts. And starts shagging me all the while I’m like no what about our mates can’t do this trying to push him off a little. Manage to get on top and get off but he keeps trying and going. And he’s trying to get me to suck him off and he won’t leave up so I try to make him finish by Wanking him off for like 30 secs like ‘can u just finish cause this shldnt be happening ‘

And then he was like if you actually let me shag you stop talking about them I wld finish.

And he keeps trying whilst I’m talking bout them and eventually I was just like ‘you have thirty seconds just finish and then get off me’

So he finishes.

I just don’t know cause me and him were like best mates so I don’t want to think he wld ever do something like that to anyone but especially me but my mates think it was rape but my head is all over the place about it and I don’t know what to think. Cause I wasn’t like No and screaming but I didn’t lead him on or make him think I wanted it and I told him to stop and get off.

What do you think ?? Xx

Thank you xx