Baby measuring behind at 41 weeks!๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜ž advice or support would be appreciated

Hello mamas, i just moved back into my home state recently after being out of state. My due date was March 12, and today is the 19th. When i went into the hospital today at 41 weeks, to talk about labor induction, they ordered an ultrasound because they dont have my records yet from my previous out of state doctor. And i dont have an OB here. So i just go to the hospital to get checked.

After my ultrasound the doctor came in to inform me that my baby is measuring 37w5d ๐Ÿ˜ญ. And i was so confused hearing that as i believe today im 41 weeks! He was talking normal and didnt seem worried. I havent had any pregnancy complications, and my my baby has a strong heartbeat, and looks healthy. There is plenty of amniotic fluid and the placenta looks good.

I am so confused and torn by this. I was expecting to hold my baby boy in the next couple of days and now i may have to wait WEEKS?! ๐Ÿ˜ญ ive waited so long. This week has been so long and hard. Ive been preparing and cleaning everything. Everything is packed and ready for him. And now i dont even know what to look forward to anymore. Im officially going to completely stop responding to people asking me where or when the baby is coming because i cant take it anymore ๐Ÿ˜”

I dont understand how my babys measurements could be a month off๐Ÿ˜”.

At my old doctor, my baby measured perfectly on time at 14 weeks, 20 weeks, and 32 weeks. โ€”โ€”โ€”- and now at 41 weeks, this new doctor is saying hes measuring 37???

They said they need the records from my old doctor (which they are getting now), but i still dont understand how or why the measurements are like this.

They kept asking me if ive been smoking or drinking throughout the pregnancy at all, and HELL NO i havent been doing any of that. So i donโ€™t understand.

Is my baby just small? Whats going on:( has this happened to anyone else?

The weird thing about it too is that last week i went in for strong painful but inconsistent contractions for 22hours straight. But it wasnt โ€œactiveโ€ labor. And today i was having regular CONSISTENT contractions the entire 4 hours they were monitoring me. So then the doctor today told me i could go into labor within the next 12 hours?!

Im so confused. Any advice or support would be lovely. I just needed to vent as im so completely saddened by this ๐Ÿ˜ฃ. I thought today would be a great day, finding out my induction date, and now i come to find that my baby is measuring small and could be born any day, or weeks from now.

I dont even know what to think. Ive been following my <a href="">pregnancy apps</a> along with my date, and now i feel like i have nothing to look forward to. This is so discouraging and i cant stop crying about it ..