I need advice! More like a confirmation

I had a best friend of 15 years that I basically grew up and spent every day with. Well, she started making these racist remarks when we were pre teens that were towards other people (I'm black, she's white) and it would make me uncomfortable. I expressed my concerns towards her at the time but it seemed as though she totally disregarded my concerns. She stopped doing it for awhile, but started up again. We start to drift apart and she moved (we lived upstairs from her in an apt).

After that, we hadn't really spoke or hung out. We didn't start hanging out until January 2020 and I thought she would've changed considering 5 years passed, but she didn't. She still would say, "oh this and that happens because I'm black." She once said when we were in Walmart, she pointed to a dark skinned Barbie doll and said, "I don't like that Barbie doll because she's too dark. She's too black." And she said that right in front of me and her now husband who is also white. Her dad is also super racist.

Then on another occasion, we were headed to a theme park and her husband was explaining a story, where his cousin was killed by a black guy while gaming, and his cousin said, "I hate black people." Even though his wife is black. They thought that was funny which it wasn't. He began to go onto why he doesn't see why it's an issue of white people says Ni**a and all of this.

When we hang out with our dark skinned friend who also grew up in the same apt complex with us, she's always saying he's too dark to be seen at night and just stuff towards his skin tone and even if it is a joke, it's not funny and he doesn't do/say anything to stand up for himself. He just lets her talk about him in this manner. And I don't think that's ok.

I get some advice from some close friends + my best friend and they tell me that she's been this way since high school and that she was always saying racist stuff not just towards blacks, but Mexicans, and Asians. I have friends of all races/nationalities and this is not ok with me.

She wanted me to be in her wedding as her maid of honor the day before my birthday in Feb. but I didn't want to attend because of that so I declined. She instantly blew up at me and disregarded my feelings again + declined what everyone else was saying about her. These people I spoke to don't lie about this kinda shit so I know they aren't lying. And what they're saying is true. She blocked me from fb after I brought up this shit & I did the same back.

I also believe this is true because she is an undiagnosed pathological liar. She even went on to lie to my mom and I when I was younger that her mother was dead and she walked around like she was dead but she was alive the entire time. She's recently made a brand new profile and added me back.

She's only added me back because her hubby is in training for the Army & she doesn't have any friends to talk to while she's stick in the house.

She quit her job and got married right away because she thought that she would get immediate housing & insurance from the military. Please tell me I'm not making a mistake by not accepting her friend request. It is unfortunate to get rid of that friendship after so many years, but it was also easy since we were drifting far apart. And our friendship was never the same after so many years.