Help!!! Antibiotics gave me a yeast infection

So last Monday I went to the doctor because I was pretty sick and got prescribed antibiotics. in the past I’ve gotten yeast infections because of antibiotics but it’s been a long time since the last one infection. Well on Saturday (today is Thursday) I woke up with most of the symptoms of a yeast infection. I didn’t do much about it because they usually go away after 2 days. So yesterday the itching and swelling were very minimal but I had discharge. I finally applied monistat 7 to my vulva and it BURNED! I immediately started to cry. I didn’t even insert it because of how bad it was. Anyways so this morning I woke up and got through most of the day without itching and the swelling was completely gone. However, I just applied a bit to my vulva and it’s burning/itching again... should I just go to the doctor? Or should I continue with monistat? This is my first time using monistat so I really don’t know what to expect