I’M FINALLY PREGNANT.... this is what we did different this month.

My husband and I have been trying since June of last year after I had a miscarriage at 15 weeks. What was wild is we weren’t even trying that time!

Every month I came in here looking for tips for what women did to get pregnant. I feel like I tried everything under the sun. I wanted to help the ladies out there who were in my boat and feel like they have done everything like I did and still can’t get pregnant right away:

1. I asked Jesus for a healthy pregnancy, this month. And I kept asking. Luke 11, right after he tells the disciples how to pray, he tells them a parable of the friend at night who was persistent in asking for something. This month I was so persistent with the Lord and he answered my prayer!

2. When my period started last month, I drank turmeric milk every day I bled: 5-6 days. Just warm milk in a mug with a teaspoon of turmeric. My Afghani friend told me about this, so I thought 🤷🏼‍♀️

3. stopped tracking my ovulation.

—that’s right. We just did it every other day around ovulation.

4. I got a new doctor and she told me to take a baby aspirin every evening with my prenatal. I wouldn’t try this without your doctor’s recommendation..

5. I lived life and didn’t worry. I ate whatever and drank whatever. Went in the hot tub, skied, etc. even during my 2ww.

I hope this helps someone! Also, there’s no one be all catch all thing in getting pregnant. God’s timing is perfect and your baby will be born at the perfect time. Praying for 2 pink lines for all the ladies who are trying!