BV/ YI symptoms during quarantine😭

Y’all I had BV about 2 months ago and I’m all itchy again. I have yeast infections pretty frequently too and I’m not sure which one I have. I Just got back from vacation the day before my whole city shut down, and I’m too freaked out to go to the doctor, my city has a lot of covid19 cases. I really don’t want to leave my house because I was in an airport and the country I was in is in some sort of lockdown. I was wearing bathing suits and in a warm humid climate for a while, and I think it aggravated my vag. Do I sit in quarantine all uncomfy or should I brave it and see if a doctor will see me? 😢😢😢🥴 it always gets worse and never gets better on its own. I have no idea if it’s BV or YI