Did I do the right thing? And other questions

So I recently had a Pap smear and just today found out I have HPV.

My mom warned me to wait until it was confirmed with a second test before I told my boyfriend of 4 months, I decided not to.

I’m scared I should’ve waited. He swears he’s not upset but he got mad because I told him I was clean, and I am, besides that.

The Pap smear wasn’t available until I was 21 so I had no way to know till now. I told him that I thought he should get tested as well, as he may have it, and he got made as he’s on lock down for the virus and can’t afford it, which is understand except he is covered by his moms insurance, but then again he might not want his mom to know.

I explained that because we are both vaccinated we have little risk of cancer, and that because it was caught early it can be treated and “cured”, this was before I knew men don’t really have a test. And it’s not very life changing, my moms had it for almost 30 years. Despite numerous Pap smears prior to marriage, after marrying my dad she got another because she wanted kids and that’s when they told her.

I’m just scared he will leave me, which sounds stupid, and I feel I should’ve waited till I know for sure.

I also Believe there’s an 80% chance I got it from him, as we have had sex for almost 5 months, dated forces 4. There’s a chance it’s from the guy I was with before him, but I highly doubt it, and it kinda hurts he just assumed I gave it to him, but the other way around.

I just feel I should’ve waited to tell him, I know it was right to tell him, but I should’ve waited. I’m 21 and he’s almost 20, and we both agreed to quit condoms, but from research, even oral passes HPV so even if we used condoms still he could have it. I’ve been with 24 guys, he’s been with two guys, 5 were unprotected, but men I knew and trusted. He’s been with two girls, one was a Virgin, the other a serial cheater after she lost her virginity.

I know I could’ve given it to him, he could’ve given it to me, and I think because it’s mild, that means I just got it recently, right?