Under Feeding?!

My Little Girl will be two months tomorrow. I’m nervous that i’m under feeding her. She takes a full 6oz every feed, but is only really taking 4 bottles in 24hours which doesn’t seem a lot to me. She eats at 6:30am, 12:30pm, 5:30pm and 10pm - then she sleeps through the night until 6:30 again.

She was 7.8oz at birth and she was 10.4oz at 7 weeks.

She has plenty wet & dirty nappies, and those are the only times she cries for a bottle. It just doesnt seem i’m feeding her very often.

Is/was anyone else on a similar eating schedule at 2 months?? I feel guilty for some reason

EDIT: You all seem to be telling me that 6oz is too much for a 2 month old, except from the fact that A) my health visitor told me to give her 6 and B) the formula i feed her states that she should be on 6oz. She is happy with this amount, she is NEVER SICK. My question was whether she should have another bottle, or not. Thanks.