I have these moments where I hope I get a bfn!!!

Courtney • Mommy to 2 earth babies and 2 littles I never heard or seen.

This month has been so scary with the corona virus. I’m currently on maternity leave and returning to work May 1. I have been TTC for 7 cycles and this is the first that I question if now is the right time. Our city has gone into basic quarantine and watching the news and all the other countries effected by this we are in for a long time of not getting back to work. I officially loose my maternity pay and I don’t know if I will have a job open to me when I get back. My husband works so hard but even with his job which is still very good, it couldn’t pay for our bills and babies. I’m dealing with such a sense of uncertainty, I’m anxious and scared of what the future holds for us. Believe me I want to get my bfp more than anyone on here but I’m worried that things are going to take a long time to recover from this horrible tragedy. Sending everyone health and baby dust in here💕