I’m done.

I’m not yelling or name calling. I’m not crying. I’m not mad. I’m just done. I AM SAD because I feel that I’ve wasted 5 years of my good years on a man that doesn’t know what he wants. He’s never said those exact words to me, but actions speak much louder than words, and his actions contradict said words..

He proposed two years ago and I graciously accepted. We have had a wonderful relationship and I have never been so happy, or felt so alive..up until this past year. He doesn’t make any effort in moving forward with planning our wedding (we have both been married before). He says he wants to marry me, but his actions tell me otherwise. We’ve talked very openly about marriage, I’ve never pressured him, or given him ultimatums, and it’s just gotten to the point where I’m sad and unhappy that I’ve been strung along all of these years by someone who I’ve given my whole heart to.

Yes I have explained this to him in complete detail, and he says he loves me more than anything and can’t imagine me not in his life and that we are going to get married, but nothing else is ever said. It shouldn’t be this way..

Edit: I feel that if anyone is apprehensive about marriage, they should openly discuss their concerns rather than leading someone to believe otherwise. We are in our early 30’s and early 40’s. It’s not right and it’s not fair to lead someone on. He initiated a proposal and I accepted. We both also married our exes at the JP, and he has always told me he wanted to give me the wedding I never had. It’s not about money or a label, it’s about making a promise to each other before God and our family and friends, something we both agreed we wanted with each other. I’m also not sure where the bells and whistles came from and I never said getting married was the most important thing.