Am I overreacting/overthinking?


My bf and I have been together for over a year and a half. I’m 21, he’s 20. I personally feel that once it comes to us both moving out on our own that him wanting to move in w his friend is something that a single dude would do. Becoming roommates w his friend. But I want to eventually move in with him once we both have saved up enough and are ready to move out. Is it dumb to feel hurt over him not wanting to move in with me but wanting to move in w his friend? Like am I just being dumb? In a way I guess I feel like I’m wasting my time if we aren’t really working towards something but I’m trying to figure out if I’m overthinking before I really bring up how I feel to him. I feel the other thing I should mention is he’s mentioned stuff about it in the past and talked about us living together and getting cats and dogs and all that Jazz. So in a way he got my hopes up so that’s why I’m more upset about it. It’s like if you don’t want that then stop saying things like that. It’s unfair to me to let me get that image or even the slightest thoughts of it into my head.