My child’s father....


Okay, the father of my child is childish. I finally found the strength to leave him after all the abuse he did to me. I’m not even going to speak on the abuse but Our child is now 3 years old. He just started paying child support in December. He’s in the military, he doesn’t want anything to do with our child up until they started cutting his check.

I took him to court for custody and then he turns around in he took me to court for visitation rights. He only wanted to see her three times in that was it. Every time he came he smelled like he washed in liquor🤮 and all he talked about was (I’m taking his money, telling strangers and saying dumb things to me) but supposed to be seeing his child. He never stayed the time only a few minutes and that was it. I’m so tired of this mess.

I don’t know what else to do. He calls my phone wanting to talk to the our child but she never wants to talk with him, she hangs up the phone and starts crying when he’s on the phone. I have never talked bad about him to her, I told myself along time ago that I know he did hurt me but I’ll never do that. I’ll let her figure out who he is for herself.

Now I have to go back to court because he lied and said I won’t let him see his child but he saw her, and I had someone with me every time he was scheduled to come. I’m wasting money for lawyers for this mess, because of his lies. And the fact that he is mad because our child doesn’t want to talk with him on the phone, he is saying it’s all my fault. He talks so ugly to her, that’s why she’s scared to talk to him. I’m tired of trying to make her talk to him. I’m so tired, I feel like I’m still in this abusive relationship when I’m not.

Please help me!!!! Some good advice is well appreciate it!! Thanks in advance