Please help! What should I do?

I’m sorry this is going to be a long post but I’m hoping someone can tell me what to do here.

I’ve known my husband for almost 10 years now. We’ve been married for 5 years, before which we were dating for about 2 years.

I’ve always been in love with him, perhaps since the first time we met. Now that I think about it, I realize that it’s always been me fighting for the relationship, being crazy in love with with him. He has always been mellow with his affection if that makes sense.

Since getting married our physical relationship has tapered off to the extent that the last time we had sex or even kissed was January 2019 (in an effort for me to get pregnant). Since then I have made several attempts to initiate but he’s never up for it.

We have a 5 month old son, I am on mat leave and take care of the baby, do every single house chore. Take care of groceries, bills, cleaning cooking etc. He doesn’t help out in the house at all.

We talk like best friends, he seems to emotionally care for me but never makes an effort to connect physically or help out in the house. I feel like I’m a mom, friend, maid to him, everything apart from a wife.

We’ve had a conversation multiple times on why he doesn’t want to have sex and he always says he’s tired and will make an effort but it doesn’t happen. I tried pestering him that I think he’s cheating on me after which he installed a tracking app in his phone so that I can see that he truly is at work all day and comes home straight away.

I don’t know what to do. I feel so sad and lonely all the timed, tired of fighting for some affection.

What do you think is going on? What should I do?