First last time...

BonQuiQui • I’m blunt with my words, I don’t like animals get over it☺️

Talking to my SO the other day made me realize a sad truth....

I got fixed after my 3rd 4 months ago, we decided enough was enough. We talked long and hard, so the day after I had him I got it done; at first I regretted it because the healing process was rigorous and painful for me.

After 6 weeks I was good I could have sex freely without any worries which was the best! I do get baby fever but I think it's because I know I can't have anymore unless I go <a href="">IVF</a> Which isn't gonna happen.

My son had his 4 month appointment last week and was given the ok to give him baby food! I kept telling myself I'm gonna wait because I was in a hurry with my first two and learned it's better at 6 months.

I was talking to my SO about it the other day and he brought up how it will be our first last time, trying food, crawling, first steps, first words, first hair cut these things will be our first last time; it made me extremely sad. We have a 6 and 4 year old; we still have exciting things with them but its not the same as the very last time.

The last couple of days he has been crying after every bottle, showing interest in what we eat etc so we decided to give him his first taste of bananas in oatmeal and boy was he unsure lol. He gave us the weirdest faces after every bite, but after a while he got use to it and now he loves it!.

People are making comments on how this lock down is gonna make a baby boom and I am sure glad it won't be me lol....

Anyone else with their first last time?!