FINALLY PREGNANT after 20 months of “unexplained” infertility ! *deets included*


Let me start out by saying I never thought I would be making this post... I know that although it felt like forever there are many women who have and continue to struggle longer...I think about you daily and wish you all the baby dust keep holding onto hope!!

So my husband and I have been trying to conceive for 20 months just about or a little over I kind of lost count.. tried everything from preseed to special diet and Fertility teas. the amount of money wasted on OPKs and pregnancy tests phew 😅

Went to the fertility clinic January of ‘19 after around a year of trying. All tests came back great and I was told I wouldn’t need

<a href="">IUI</a>

because of my husbands high sperm count...

We were told we should start Clomid with timed intercourse. My husband went away for the summer for work therefore we decided to wait so that he wouldn’t miss out on any milestones.. that was rough.. but it was a good thing because last summer I went through one of the worst depressive episodes I’ve had to date..

Come August husband was home and I was focusing on my mental health and going to therapy. (Calling that therapist saved not only my marriage but my life). Then came November ‘19.. we decided to try our first Clomid cycle, had one follicle at 18mm and one at 14mm. Took the trigger shot and had timed intercourse, no luck. Did the same in December ‘19, with a 21mm and 18mm follicle and still no luck..

Decided to take two months off of the medications and just try naturally and just breath.. no luck.

I started reading more stuff, I thought I had read everything but I read somewhere about hostile cervical mucus.. and a woman on here mentioning how she had a test done for it called post coital test which checks sperm and mucus interaction. I have had issues with BV in the past off and on but I have been good for a couple years.. still I just had this feeling my cervical mucus was just not friendly lol my husband has such a high sperm count and if everything is okay than why.. I really dug deep into research articles that focused on the idea that unexplained infertility isn’t technically a thing and there’s a reason it just hasn’t been tested or found yet. Anyways I remember a few of them mentioned this hostile cervical mucus issue.. and one way to bypass this issue is

<a href="">IUI</a>


February ‘20 comes along and I ask for an

<a href="">IUI</a>

instead of timed intercourse.. I read in many many many places basically not to get my hopes up for the first

<a href="">IUI</a>

working or at all.. anyways I took the Clomid which made me crazy and sick this time and I had an 18mm 18mm 11mm 10mm on CD12. Triggered on CD 13 at 830am. Had

<a href="">IUI</a>

9am CD14. They did not test husbands sperm count but said they saw lots of swimmers.. We did not have intercourse following the

<a href="">IUI</a>

although they said we could.

6-9dpo/dpiui I had uncomfortable cramping and just used my heating pad on low and figured it was just my girl parts being moody randomly as they can be..

I started testing out trigger at around 6dpo I think I don’t remember I’ll insert photo tho. Come I think 10dpiui I took a test in the morning because I knew I was having wine with a girlfriend that night and it just appeared to be the same if not lighter than the day prior I actually tossed it in the trash instead of taped it to my paper because I figured the cycle failed. I had a few glasses of wine and my husband drove me home and I decided to take another cheapie test because why not, I had just peed at my friends house 30 minutes prior so I knew it was pointless but did it anyhow.. I put it on my nightstand on toilet paper and about 5 mins later I looked over and it seemed darker than the morning test.. I couldn’t sleep but I was like okay you’re just over analyzing..

11dpiui I take another in the morning and it was darker.. still I’m disbelief I go to the store and buy some first response and a first response digital.. I get home and only holding my pee for an hour both were positive and I had negatives on first response a few days prior.. I always thought if I ever got pregnant I would cry out of joy and I didn’t cry at all I just was in denial and shock.. like this wasn’t even statistically supposed to work and I convinced myself it didn’t.. but it did..

I called Monday for a blood test and hCG was 29 at 12dpo My dr wanted me to come back Friday and then this upcoming Tuesday. Fridays number was 242.3 at 16dpo.

The day my period was due 13dpo I had a little bit of brown spotting in the morning and then nothing since. I have been very crampy which has made me so paranoid but people keep saying it’s normal.. it’s not unbearable just uncomfortable and comes and goes.. today I am 4weeks 3 days and I think my doctor will have me come in around 6 weeks for a scan (I think they do them early bc it is a fertility clinic and they want to rule out multiples or any complications early). I think I’ll feel better after that.. my breasts hurt and are larger but other than that and the cramping I feel fine.

We both told some friends but will be waiting a long while before we tell family and more people.

I know I’m still early but honestly I didn’t think I could even get pregnant so I am grateful for that at least right now.. I hope this bean or beans stick 🤞🏽🤞🏽

Oh and I also ate juiced pineapple with the core and juiced pomegranate to aid in implantation from 1-4dpo

Baby dust to all !!!! Thank you for reading my long post 😂

The day I found out ☺️ I saw the FMU test and went right to Walmart. The other two frers were from about 7-8dpo