Pregnant Stepmom on strike... Day 2

My husband spent 3 days doing no chores around the house and 2 days hanging out with Friends and Binge drinking....

I am refusing to do any chores anymore of my pregnancy. 38 weeks 5 days. Also, his ex had just left both her kids with us for the next 10 days....

Here is Day 2 of me not doing dishes.... My husband said he would take care of it yesterday...

Not a Free maid.

EDIT: Apparently a few women had issue with me stating I was tempted to post or send these pictures to people in my husbands family. I never said I was going to do it.

My husband does ZERO chores in our home. Even when both his children are here. He will sit on his butt all weekend. Drink all weekend. Go golfing, do anything but be a parent. Why? Because I am always doing it for him.