Lockdown/Quarantine - Stopping pumping

Whilst I’m in the house for the next few weeks I’m directly nursing every single feed.

I have a small oversupply and usually express between 3-5oz a day for my freezer stash which we then give in bottles when we go out places.

But at the moment we aren’t using the freezer stash as we’re not going out and I have no room whatsoever in my freezer to add any more to it.

If I temporarily stop pumping, but started up again once we can start going out again what are the chances of me being able to pump similar quantities as before when I start pumping again? I know my supply will adjust for the time being if I don’t pump but if I power pump and do the other tips (water, oats etc etc) when the time comes an I likely to struggle to get it back?

Baby is 5 months if that makes any difference