My bf lied to me...

I’m sorry this is such a long post but i need someone to listen to me... At the beginning of my relationship, my boyfriend opened up to me and told me had done things with two girls, but never gave me the timeline for it. we’ve been dating for 11 months now and last night i finally pieced things together and realized the timeline didn’t make sense. i confronted him about it and it was true- he had been doing stuff with his ex girlfriend’s friend while he was still dating his ex. he cheated on her. his ex always used to tell me that he was cheating and well- normally i could get over that with a little bit of time except for the fact that i had asked him about it on a few different occasions throughout the past 11 months and he’s had many opportunities to tell me the truth but instead every single time he’s told me that she was lying and that he didn’t cheat on her. i was cheated on in my past relationship and i frequently bring up how that gave me trust issues and how much i hate cheaters and he sat there and said that he hates cheaters too and that he can’t believe people do that. i even brought up cheating the other day and he didn’t- he lied to me about this for 11 months. we called and he apologized and said that that’s not him anymore and that he would never lie to me like that again. i told him that if he ever cheated on ME that i’d be gone so quick because i know my worth and i know i deserve more than that. but i feel so incredibly hurt and heartbroken about the fact that he lied to me about it when he had so many opportunities to just... tell me the truth