Abel's 1st birthday

Elliot • Proud Pops of my little boy Abel

My baby boy turned 1 on March 19th... I swear just the other day we were cheering him on to start crawling and now he's running everywhere begging for food and hugs. Clapping at all his favorite things and laughing at peekaboo and the animals. He loves sharing his toys with his Pop Pop and Dada. His favorite thing to do is have us chase him and hitting the windows. Having two very introverted parents made a VERY extroverted baby. He loves flirting with strangers and driving us crazy with germs. Many people think you weren't wanted or planned, but we tried so hard for you and almost gave up. You were the best thing to happen to us and we're giving our heart and soul to give you the best life you could wish for. You're so loved Abel.