my progress :)


I’m bored so I’m gonna share and show my progress. Last year was rough for me ngl and I kept thinking I was fat even though I wasn’t even close to being fat and I definitely struggled with my weight. I weighed 87-92 lbs at the beginning of the year and I was constantly trying to stay in that range. I really disliked how I looked. Then after going on birth control I gained a ton of weight and I filled out. God bless because I thought my skinny was good but it was honestly borderline bad. I’m definitely happier where I’m at but I’m still getting better and working on it. hopefully I can get where I wanna be since I actually have the motivation to work out but here’s the before. My ass it about to be fat and my stomach is gonna be flat and snatched soon :) but I’m happy with my progress and my weight of 100 😂