Is it normal ?

Ok so I been ttc for 12 years one fail

<a href="">IVF</a>

and I had to get surgery done on April 2 but with everything going on they postponed it I was supposed to get hysteroscopy and excisions lesion laparoscopy pelvic cavity if anyone got it done please feel free to let me know how it went !! Now for my question is it normal to feel like is ok you don’t have a baby because you get to sleep when ever you want go out without looking back and enjoy those little things or is it that I’m not ready to have a child.. I mean at the end of the day no one is ready to have a child because we don’t know what to expect being a ftM or if is your 8th child. Point is is it normal to feel like that!! Wanted a baby now and 10mins later I’m ok with no baby?