My Son Is Gay UPDATE

Yesterday I was sitting outside with the new baby since we can't really go anywhere now. My son who is 16 had came to me saying he had something important to tell me. I thought something was wrong. I was scared for him because he seemed terrified. He told me he liked boys. All I said was is that all. Are you okay? He started crying. I asked if he had told Dad, he said no so we waited until my husband got home from work and told him together. I will never forget what he said. He said "Yeah, kinda figured that a few years back. Anything else?" Now I do wish I could say everything was this smooth, but the real problem was when I told my mom. She was pissed. Told me I had FAILED as a mother. That my son was going to HELL. We got into a screaming match. I don't believe for a second a second I failed as parent, but she told me my son. Her on grandchild is not allowed at her house anymore. The next thing she said made me loose all the respect I had for my mother. She told me I should have gotten an abortion. My mother. A Christian women said that to me. I don't know if I will ever see her the same.

UPDATE: So my mom had called my son today yelling at him. I could hear it from the other room. I come into his room and all I'm hearing is him crying saying he's so sorry. I took is phone, yelling at my mom demanding she tell me what was said. She told me again I'm a failure and my whole family is damned to hell. After I calmed my son down he told me she called him telling him he's a demon and an abomination. Saying he's torn the family apart, and he should be ashamed! I lost my shit. I called my mom back and called her a bitch. I know I shouldn't have, but she has crossed a line. She told me I'm letting the devil ruin my life, and my son is ruining our relationship. I told her I never want her to contact me or my family ever again. She is mad I chose my child over her. I will no longer be letting my child around this toxic behavior. I'm done.

I wanted to thank you all for your kindness! I have even showed my son these comments so he knows the support he has! He is feeling much better now. His dad even told him if a guy evere breaks his heart he has a place to hide the body. Good lord. I love this man. You have no idea how much your words have helped me and my son. Seems like me and my mom will not be speaking for a while or even ever again, but all I need is my family. Thank you all♥️♥️♥️