25 and no kids

So, I’m 25 years old and I don’t have Any kids. I graduate from Nursing School this May. I work at a level one trauma center (license pending) & I think I’m ready to start trying to have a baby. My boyfriend is an engineer and he makes good money, and is starting a better paying job this upcoming month. We’ve been together since last summer but have known each other since high school

At first, he was on-board and said we should start trying after I graduate. But then he switched and said we should wait until the fall, and then he switched to when He’s 26 and I’m 27. It’s so confusing because he’s still always talking about baby names, and how he’s so excited for our next step. But so wishy washy on when he’ll be ready.

I really don’t know what to do anymore. It’s super frustrating, and I’m a little depressed now. :( on one hand, I tell myself I can live another year without a baby, and Just focus on myself and preparing? But on the other hand, I don’t know....

Any advice?