I AM JEALOUS ..I admit it


Hello.... I have an 11 year old girl and a 2 year old son. I had an ectopic pregnancy and 5 miscarriages ☹️ I am so frustrated like many of you that every month I get my period and I just want more children.. I am selfish I know because I already have the blessing of having 2 kids but what can I do. My sister in law was always complaining how she has too much on her hands with her 3 kids. She is a great mother and a great person. She always use to tell me how she didnt want anymore children and she is 100% done and takes birth control ....Well guess what boom! she gets pregnant while being on birth control and not only that they were twin girls 😍 and they are the most beautiful babies I have seen! I am SOOOO happy for her and although she wasnt planning it and was shocked she is so thankful because her pregnancy was tough. I cant help to feel a little ..idk...like mad but not at her...Just like upset .at myself I guess...I dont know ...I remember her crying when she found out she was pregnant because she honestly didnt want anymore kids and in my head I wish it had been me 😕 When she told me it was twins I was sooo jelly .... Not in a mean way or angry ... just Kinda sad that it happened to her (who didn’t want anymore kids ) and not me ....Am I wrong for feeling this way? don’t get me wrong I LOVE her soo much and all her children we get along very well known her for 12 years. Idk ...maybe im crazy for feeling some kind of way.. Do y’all get me 🙃