Sleep 😫


Hi mamas. I’m having trouble with my baby girl and sleeping. She just turned 6 months yesterday.

Backstory- never a great sleeper since birth but started sleeping long (6-8 hr) stretches when she was 4.5/5 months (basically the month of February was a great sleep month for some reason). She wasn’t waking as often and didn’t seem to need to wake to feed. She is breastfed primarily, occasional formula in bottles if I’m at work, and we do fruit/veggie purees for about two months now too

I haven’t done formal sleep training yet and I’m really struggling with the idea of letting her cry so I’m looking for advice. She is in her crib in her own room. She wakes up shortly after going down (30-60 mins) and cries and wails her body around in the crib. I try my best to let her cry for a bit, but I usually end up getting her and bouncing/rocking her back to sleep to calm her. Some nights this happens once (occasionally not at all), and sometimes it happens 2-4 times. For example tonight, she won’t stay asleep for more than like 30 mins and keeps waking up and crying. Its 1am and haven’t been able to get any sleep yet so I’m starting to have a mommy meltdown. She’s teething bad but she does this even if we give her Tylenol for the teething. Not sure if it’s a growth spurt or what but it seems like something is going on...

I guess she needs some sort of sleep training but I’m just unsure of the best thing. I am familiar with Ferber and I guess that would be my choice... not comfortable with a full on cry it out. Any advice is greatly appreciated.