Not gaining weight in 3rd trimester


Hi all I'm am exactly 33 weeks pregnant today. From 29 weeks I have not put much weight. My scales show Somewhere around 71 to 72.5 kg every week.

My fundal height was 29cm at 29 weeks and same 29cm at 31 weeks. Now in 2 days I am having growth scan.

Doctor doesnt seem concerned at all. She just wrote me an ultrasound to be done at 33 weeks. Which I am doing in 3 days.

Can anyone say if this is an issue or not ?

This is my rainbow baby and Amidst all the virus fears I just want to make sure baby is ok.

The baby is pretty active all the time. But my tummy seems to be same and also I should say I couldn't eat much nowadays. Will my baby be fine.