please give advice i feel so stuck

so i’m 21 years old, was born and raised in a pretty conservative family so my parents are really against sex before marriage and etc. you get it. they basically would kill me if they know, also they don’t respect my choices as in my body my choices mindset...

my boyfriend and i have been together for 6 months and we still haven’t been in any sexual intercourse but the main reason here is that he has been with multiple partners before me so he has high risk of HPV, so he doesn’t want me to get effected in any means.

i’m terrified by the idea of me having genital warts or even having the kinds of hpv that may cause canser as far as i have researched. my boyfriend claims that he will always be here for me and that he wants to be with me even when we’re 60 so he says he doesn’t want to risk it cause he wants me healthy when i’m 60.

he wants me to get HPV vaccines but i’m kind of nervous of my mom finding out. i’m making up scenarios in my mind of when i’m for example 25 and i’m about to get married and she suggests that i get vaccined and stuff... what do i do then?

idk i’m really confused i really want to do it with my boyfriend and he also wants to do it but this HPV thing has been holding us back for so long and he says that he won’t do it until i get vaccined and am perfectly secure. i think this is so cute and genuine of him but at the same time i’m always trying to make up my mind about this...

what would you do? suggest? :(