My 13 year old cousin is trying to get pregnant

A week ago one of my cousins pictures was getting really nasty comments like Whore, Slut, boyfriend stealer, etc etc. Didn’t think much of it cause I’ve been called those before in middle school. So fast forward to Sunday (yesterday), we’re driving around and her phone is connected to the Bluetooth and she gets a text. She hit something on accident and it started reading out loud. Some guy was saying that he’s down to hit it but he’s not comfortable going raw. My heart sank! I tried talking to her about it and she lied to my face. Tried keeping my cool and let it go. We’re at the grocery store to get some face wash and as I go to find her I see her stealing condoms. So I finally had a talk with her and brought up the comments and the text and she told me yes she’s having sex. Dig deeper and apparently she’s trying to get pregnant and shes been asking random guys in her class if they’re down to have sex. She accused me of being jealous cause she’s in that stage of her life. The fuck right?! Stage of what? I tried talking to her mom and her mom dismissed me basically saying her innocent child would never do that. Idk what to do guys

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