Story Time

So as you know women can get yeast infections so I found out that I had one no big deal. Right, I couldn’t be so wrong. I went to the store to get Monistat, they didn’t have the ointment one so I got the one where you have to put the big ass pull up there like you are trying to hatch it or something lol. So get home and do what I need to do, for the first few hours I was good no issue and then I guess it finally dissolve or something because I got the worst itching ever. It also came with some cream to help with the itching so I use that and I’m like okay I got this, wrong again. It made the itching even worse so I’m walking around the house like this

I side walk down the stairs and get some ice and at this point it’s more like this

I couldn’t take the pain anymore so call the doctors office and they tell me to come in turns out I am allergic to whatever they put in the pill one and not the ointment. They give me Benadryl and tell me to put ice on it so now I’m like this

Never making that mistake again lol