
Hey everyone. I’m currently almost two months PP. I am strictly pumping milk into bottles for my newborn. But I am also struggling because I’m in the navy, and I need to lose weight. I dieted for three days, and my milk supply almost dried up (I cut out all carbs, sugars, I still had nutritional foods) I have to lose weight within the year of giving birth to be in the navy and to advance. I do want what’s best for my child, but I am struggling tremendously mentally, feeling anxious and tired, emotional. I hate every time I have to go somewhere I have to pump before and worry about pumping where I go and what if I have to be at work by 5 am but I have to get the baby ready, pump, get myself ready, pump again... it’s a lot. I love my baby I know I signed up for this, I just didn’t know about all the emotions that come along with not only being PP but breastfeeding too. I tried to tell my husband how I felt and he got mad and said I was being lazy if I produce milk and want to stop BF. He says if I switch to formula our babies development will slow. He doesn’t understand and my MIL says just to pump more while dieting, eat carbs once a day and keep going. I don’t want to be selfish. Please no rude comments. What should I do? Anyone else going through this?